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Effect of breast milk lead on infant blood lead levels at 1 month of aNursing infants may be exposed to lead from breast milk, but relatively few data exist with which to evaluate and quantify this relationship. This route of exposure constitutes a potential infant hazard from mothers with
Private Dentist in Harpenden and St. Albans | Wayside DentalWayside is the longest-established Dental practice in Harpenden, St Albans Hertfordshire. We are committed to providing excellent dental care, and have a trusted team of dentistry specialists.
Salsa Dance Lessons Classes in Toronto - Access BallroomAccess Ballroom is a Latin and Ballroom dance school that gives gives salsa dance lessons and classes in Toronto + more.
Our Team | Cinema Vitesse LLCMr. Johnsen is founder and chief technology officer for Mammoth Vision Inc., a ground breaking digital production-film studio specializing in high value digital visuals and audio for Television, Film and Theme Park marke
Longitudinal study of daily intake and excretion of lead in newly bornAs an adjunct to a study of lead mobilization during pregnancy and lactation, we have obtained estimates of the daily lead intake and excretion/intake for 15 newly born infants monitored for at least 6 months postpartum.
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Treatment of Perioral RhytidesA Comparison of Dermabrasion and SuperpuAbstractObjective To directly compare the cosmetic outcome and adverse effects of dermabrasion and superpulsed carbo
Acupuncture During Pregnancy and Postpartum, Colorado Springs AcupunctAcupuncture during pregnancy is a safe option to help with back pain, fatigue, morning sickness, heartburn, swelling, and to prepare for labor.
Acne | eNetMD(see below for detailed articles and advice)
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